R number s topping off - 1.21 - 1.41

The latest regional breakdown of the UK’s COVID-19 R numbers has been released. Infection rates are still well above 1.0; Although, for the first time in weeks, a degree of slowdown was observed.

Nationwide, CMMID’s model places the nationwide R number has climbed to 1.22, slightly higher that the governments Office for Science’s estimate. The range of CMMID’s estimate extends up to 1.53.

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In the last few days, we have seen a lot of fluctuation to R numbers. While some media R numbers have dropped, the ranges have gone up, creating a less than clear picture.

R number – Six highest UK Regions : 11th September 2020

  1. Wales – 1.43 (0.39 — 2.39)
  2. Scotland – 1.18 (0.97 — 1.38)
  3. West Midlands – 1.13 (0.46 — 1.42)
  4. Northern Ireland – 1.14 (0.63 — 1.51)
  5. North East – 1.1 (0.57 — 1.45)
  6. London – 1.11 (1.01 — 1.2)
    KEY: Region / Range (Median) (Range low – Range high)
    Click here to see the regional breakdown.

While the R number looks to be dropping, it is far too early to consider this as good news. At the writing of this report, the UK is detecting on average 3286 new COVID-19 cases every day.

As cases continue to rise, so does the risk government will be unable to slow infections down sending R numbers going through the roof.

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