hancock blames free tests for issues with covid19 test demand

Health Secretary Matt Hancock was pulled in front of ministers today to give an update on how government is dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hancock told ministers “The epidemic is growing”, and that a vaccine is needed for the future. The Health Minister announced the Oxford vaccine trials had restarted and that the UK is now testing an anti-body based vaccine.

The Health Minister was asked why government didn’t use summer to plan for the COVID-19 program. Shadow Health Minister Jonathan Ashcroft demanded to know when people will get the tests they need?

Hancock replied by claiming government had achieved over 20 million tests for COVID-19; claiming the UK has tested more than most other countries. The minister skirted around the much-publicised issues many are facing when trying to to find and book a Coronavirus test.

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In a brazen attempt at victim-blaming, Hancock blamed free COVID-19 testing as the reason the system can’t cope; telling ministers “When you have a free service it is inevitable that demand rises.; attacking the free nature of the NHS as a way of distracting from governments continues failures.

The issues with COVID-19 testing have nothing to do with being free of charge. The NHS has the funds, they just dont have the equipment or manpower.

The failures with COVID19 testing are the failings of government; NOT with tests being free of charge!

Voice Britannia has contacted the Department of Health and Social Care for comment.

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